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What Do People From Different Countries Do In New Year's Day?

Dec 29, 2023

How do people from different countries celebrate New Year's Day? Let's see some examples of the various ways people around the world mark this special occasion.

 2024 New Year

United States

In the U.S., New Year's Day is often celebrated with parades, parties, and fireworks. Many people make New Year's resolutions, intending to start the year fresh and set personal goals.

United Kingdom


First Footing in UK

In the UK, people often gather with friends and family to celebrate New Year's Day. It is common to watch the annual New Year's Day Parade in London or participate in traditional events like "first-footing," where the first person to enter a home after midnight brings luck for the coming year.


贺正 in Japan

In Japan, New Year's Day is a significant holiday known as "Shogatsu." Families celebrate by visiting temples or shrines, exchanging New Year's greetings and well-wishes. Traditional foods like mochi (rice cakes) and osechi (special New Year dishes) are prepared and enjoyed.



New Year In Spain

In Spain, the New Year is welcomed with joyous celebrations. People gather in major squares, such as Madrid's Puerta del Sol, to eat grapes. At the stroke of midnight, it is customary to eat twelve grapes, one at each chime, for good luck in the twelve months ahead.




Brazil New Year

In Brazil, New Year's Day, or "Ano Novo," is a time for elaborate celebrations. Many people head to the coast and beaches wearing white clothes as a symbol of peace. They make offerings to the sea goddess Yemanjá and enjoy fireworks, live music, and festive parties.


South Africa


South Africa New Year

In South Africa, New Year's Day is often celebrated with outdoor gatherings and braais (barbecues). People engage in traditional dances, such as the Gumboot dance, and enjoy live music and performances. It's a time for reflection, gratitude, and hope for the future.


These are just a few examples of how different countries celebrate New Year's Day. Each culture and region may have unique customs, traditions, and celebrations that make the occasion special and meaningful to them.


At the end, we wish you a joyous holiday season and a happy new year!


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